Often times we can end up feeling drained, hurt or lonely without knowing exactly why …?

A common problem for many empaths is that they sometimes end up feeling drained or that their joys are fleeting. One of the primary causes of this is a lack of knowing how and when to set proper boundaries to preserve your emotional energy.

For this reason you can feel happy one moment and the next moment without knowing how or why…. you suddenly start feeling sad or lonely or even depressed.

Like your energy has suddenly depleted and your happiness, that you just had a moment ago is now, gone. This problem often grows and turns into anxiety, lower self esteem etc.

I don’t want you to feel that way…

So here are just a few tips that you can already begin to use right now, today.

Tip #1 Learn to spot the people who don’t know how to set good boundaries for themselves.

So why is this so important, and how does it help you? Because someone that hasn’t learned to identify and properly set and deal with their own boundaries… will be less likely to identify, acknowledge and respect your boundaries. So therefore learning how to spot those people in your life will help you to avoid situations where your boundaries are likely to be crossed.

Tip #2 Know what you need, and when.

Now boundaries don’t always stay the same, they can contract and expand. So one day you may feel the need to be more cautious with yourself, because you might be feeling a little bit more vulnerable that day. While other days you will feel more up for the challenges of the world. Figuring out when you need what can be the difference between and joyful day and several weeks of emotional recovery. In our class ‘boundaries’ we teach you the importance of proper ‘boundary timing’ to avoid letting other people’s negativity affect your mood and overall emotional well being and happiness. When someone oversteps your boundary, you have, given the trespas, a certain amount of time to react or respond in order to best protect your heart.

I haven’t heard of anyone address the crucially important fact of when a boundaries should be set. And we may have even just coined the phrase boundary timing. Failure to set boundaries at the right time will have you feeling hurt, drained and undervalued. We all know it, replaying things and situations in your mind of thinking about ‘what we should have said’. Proper boundary timing is the difference between feeling hurt and feeling empowered.

Tip #3 Reduce stimuli
From notifications to social media and micro content. Having your attention on ten different things can be extremely exhausting, and you might not always be aware of how these things are affecting your emotional state. But every time you’re exposing yourself to a piece of content online, or spend time in a physical environment or give attention to people, your heart is involved. And while you may be able to brush of some things as minor annoyances or little unpleasantries, over time these can wear you down. By reducing stimuli and setting aside time to do nothing you give your heart and emotional energy time to recover and heal up (and catch up).

Another great benefit to this is that it allows you to better notice in the future, when you might have had to much stimuli. So stimuli can be anything from words you read on paper or see on a screen, to other peoples voices and presence, to sounds, smells and more. And even your own thoughts (overthinking) another problem we give you solutions to in our class ‘boundaries’.

#Tip 4 Get help
As much as you would love to be able to handle everything yourself, sometimes you need help. To help you with new knowledge, to form new habits. As well as tools, tips and tricks that allow you to be able to handle those rough boundary situations and overcome emotional challenges.

Asking for help should be celebrated. Because it takes courage to reach out and strength to speak up.

In a fast pace world of excess and expectations it can be hard to remain steady. From generational trauma to daily drama. Steering your boat through the ocean of emotion can leave you feeling drained, hurt and unhappy. So reach out to a friend or to a coach/therapist.

Boundaries aren’t just for keeping certain people and behaviours… out. But equally as important boundaries are actually connecting points. They provide healthy rules for navigating your relationships, both intimate and professional. Proper boundary setting will help you attract the right people into your life and keep them there.

We would love to help you deal with your struggles with anxiety, your sensitivity, expectations and insecurities and give you the tools to handle future boundary situations.

To learn more on how to master boundary setting in your life, enroll in our online class ‘Boundaries – and learn to preserve your emotional energy’ today.

See you in class 🌸✨

7. August 2022
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