Feel like you’re not living up to your full potential? Like you’re not where you should be? Feeling you should be further ahead in life? Wondering why you just haven’t had that breakthrough that you been looking for?

Especially in a world of so many options it’s easy to feel like you’re not living the life you’re ‘supposed’ to, or just not at a place in your life where you can comfortably rest and feel satisfied… Truly satisfied and accomplished.

You might be suffering from opportunity overload, not to mention information overload.

All these options that you have simply make you feel like you’re just not doing enough. And other people make it look so easy, so why isn’t it just as easy and simple for you as well?!

Well traveler, it’s likely because you’re neurodivergent and/or highly sensitive (Google it if you need to).

What this means is that you process reality completely differently and with loads more detail, connecting various aspects and components… and one might say you’re real challenge is not simply being highly sensitive, but also that you’re probably highly intelligent.

You’re efforts and ambitions are held back by you’re own sharp wittedness and empathy. Pretty crazy huh?!

“I know tell me about it” [Insert humble brag].

So listen, fret not, I myself have been a late bloomer as well. And if you can identify with this, then you are why I created to:day, this website, coaching and lifestyle brand.

I know what it’s like to have such a high standard for yourself that it’s hard to get things put out there. And what it’s like to feel too vulnerable to create because of an uncomfortable conversation you had yesterday and having so much to say and share that you just don’t know where to begin. Or hate the Social Media ‘look at me culture’ because it feels like keeping up with the Jones’es (because it is..).

But it is possible, and I can thankfully enjoy, finally having ‘cracked the code’ for manifesting as an highly sensitive introvert creative.

I’m all about encouraging and helping sensitive people with big dreams, and if that’s you then you’re definately the right (best) place.

to:day exists to provide you with the knowledge and the tools to overcome your daily sensitivity challenges from financial struggles to emotional debuggles.

All of our classes and content are centered around The Truth and the things that truly liberate your heart from a world that tries to weight you down.

Consider enrolling in our online class ‘Abundance’ and learn how to tap into that flow of abundance. It is alot easier to pursue your artistic and entrepreneurial ambitions when you don’t have the stress of financial oppression hanging over you.

Now before rounding of this blog post there is something I really think you should see. Because you might very well be a late bloomer….

Take a look at this…

Ever heard of ‘Professor Snape’ from Harry Potter? Well, the actor who played this character, Alan Rickman, was actually 46 years old when he first truly hit the limelight. Another actor you may have heard of… Morgan Freeman was over 50 years old before he really broke through in his acting career. 52 to be precise.

And shifting gears from the arts to business we have the founder of McDonald’s, Ray Kroc. This man was 50 years old when he started this restaurant chain.

Let’s go to the world of design and fashion… Vera Wang, 40 years old when she entered the fashion world, and has now won several awards for her designs and has a fortune of over $400 million.

Another example is Henry Ford who started Ford Motor co., he went all through his twenties… And his thirties  all the way to the age of 45 before his car manufacturing career even began. And the founder of KFC – Kentucky Fried Chicken was 62 years old when he started this chain of restaurants.

So listen, late bloomers although they may take a long time to find success. They can find it.

And there are several other stories of people who have not followed the classic way of life, or who have changed direction later in life.

I myself am such a story, although my ambitions are not financial in terms of business but impact in terms of hearts.

By the grace of God I have and have achieved what I have.

Blessed with an incredible peace of heart and several achievements that include becoming an HBO actor, having an international modeling career for brands like GQ, Mercedes and H&M etc. Publishing two books and starting this lovely little community for intelligent empaths just like yourself.

So if you want to avoid years and years of struggles be sure avoid the stress and frustration of impatience. Grab a shortcut and enroll in our online class ‘Abundance’ and learn to attract the money you need for the lifestyle you desire.

Ask yourself if this is the life you want?

Go to school. Get good grades. Get a good education. Get a good job. Buy a house. Save for retirement. Spread your investment risk. Retire and thats it..

If you’ve found your way to this community than very likely that’s not the case for you. You have a desire to live a life of more freedom.

So remember you don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.

See you in class🌸✨

7. April 2022